TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
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Posted: 8/18/16

Campus Carry in Place at TAMIU


Students walking
This Fall, Campus Carry will be in effect at all State university campuses in Texas.  


As of Monday, Aug. 1, 2016, Campus Carry is in effect at all State public universities and colleges, including Texas A&M International University (TAMIU). Private universities were able to opt out of the law and community colleges will implement it by Aug. 1, 2017.

Known as Senate Bill 11, and signed into law in the 84th Legislative Session, Campus Carry authorizes handgun license holders to carry a concealed handgun into university buildings and includes a provision allowing institutions to establish limited rules regarding the storage of handguns in campus housing and prohibiting areas/premises on which license holders may carry. Senate Bill 11 effectively expanded areas where license holders could legally carry a handgun, as handguns and rifles have been allowed on campuses since 1995.

Trevor Liddle, TAMIU associate vice president for administration and chair of the TAMIU Campus Carry Task Force, shared particulars about TAMIU Rules, and outlined general Campus Carry provisions.

 “Guiding our thinking in implementing this law was the preservation of the rights of law abiding Texas citizens, and, as an agency of the State subject to the law, full compliance with the law. 

“Our TAMIU Rules create exclusion zones where existing State law precludes or provides guidance regarding the lawful carrying of a concealed handgun, e.g., our Texas Academy of International and STEM Studies, student health and counseling centers, and areas where the concealed license holder would not be able to readily meet their duties under the law -- such as controlled areas of our recreation center facilities.  

“In evaluating all of these areas, our rule does not effectively eliminate the right of the license holder to legally carry their handgun on the campus, and so is in full compliance,” Liddle explained.

Additional information on TAMIU Campus Carry is located on a dedicated web site. 

These are the  campus’ specific Rules, located under 34. Safety of Employees and Students.

Individuals planning to carry a concealed handgun on campus must meet full eligibility requirements as explained in Texas Government Code § 411.172

Leading up to implementation, the University established a Campus Carry Task Force to provide advice on SB 11 implementation on campus.  That Task Force was chaired by Liddle, and included students, faculty, and staff. Campus forums to discuss the law and its implementation were held to collect insight and feedback from the campus community.

The University worked closely with Texas A&M University System offices including those of the Chancellor, Ethics & Compliance, General Counsel, and Risk Management to ensure full compliance with the law.

The Task Force recommended rules for implementation to then-President Dr. Ray Keck, which were reviewed by the A&M System and approved by its Board of Regents. TAMIU will present its rule to the Legislature as directed by law, in September 2016.

 TAMIU has regularly shared news of the process towards implementation with the University community via its portal, Uconnect, and on a dedicated Campus Carry website. Campus Carry is being incorporated into the University’s signage, communications and student orientation moving forward.

For additional information, visit the dedicated web site, or contact the University’s Police Department at 956.326.2100.

University information is also available on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.


Related Links: 

TAMIU Campus Carry Information



Summary of Campus Carry at all Texas A&M University System campuses:



Texas Government Code § 411.172


TAMIU Podcast on Campus Carry
